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About the Research 

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1. Improving treatment and management of PKU

High-quality and standardized data collection within The Canadian PKU Registry is key to understanding where scientific, clinical and policy efforts should be directed to improve health outcomes for individuals with PKU. The  Canadian PKU Registry will serve  to identify priority areas for future clinical trial development  to improve health care and quality of life. 

2. Building patient-oriented research capacity

The Canadian PKU Registry aims to collect data that is important and relevant to patients and families. We do this by working with  Canadian PKU and Allied Disorders Inc. and with patients and family members who are part of the Registry team. This will promote research  that addresses the needs of patients and families. Furthermore, we hope that patients and families will directly benefit from participation in the Registry. This includes having access to the data they’ve entered and being able to see summarized results within the Registry platform. 


 3. Improving rare disease networks


The Canadian PKU Registry can facilitate communication between patients/families and researchers, health care providers, and industry partners. 


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